CALL Gayle Buchan, C.H. TODAY
Wellness Begins in the Mind
Hypnosis can address many issues - physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual. The following represents a portion of what can be achieved with hypnosis:
Enhance Self Image, Confidence and Esteem
Weight Management
Weight Control
Conquer Addictions (Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, etc)
Overcome Fears and Phobias (Heights, Flying, Water, etc)
Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Nervousness and Trauma, Enhance Relaxation
Alleviate Depression, Anger, Grief and/or Guilt
Improve Overall Health
Relieves and/or Resolves Recurring Health Issues (Insomnia, Allergies, Asthma, Skin problems, Stomach Disorders, High or Low Blood Pressure, etc)
Improve Memory, Concentration, Attention, Motivation, Study Habits and/or Test Results
Improve Sports Performance
Improve Academic Skills
Dream Interpretation, Relieve/End Nightmares
Retrieve Repressed Memories and alleviate childhood trauma
A Positive Attitude
A Better Self Image
Hypnosis & Cancer
Were proud to provide hypnosis services to those with mesothelioma cancer. Initial studies have shown hypnosis to be extremely beneficial for cancer patients and loved ones who battle anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and other secondary symptoms associated with traditional cancer treatments. Aggressive cancers like mesothelioma can have harmful side effects associated with radiation and chemotherapy regimens. Hypnosis has been shown to demonstrate improved capacity to manage these symptoms in mesothelioma patients as well as that of other types of cancer.
Body - Mind - Spirit